As a Certified Human Potential and ACC accredited Coach & Quantum Human Design Specialist™️ (Level 3), I use coaching in my clinical practice to help women discover who they truly are, their infinite potential, and who they came here to be.

Human Design Blueprint

Feel Well. Live Well. Think Well. Age Well.

Helping women rewire for better health & wellbeing by disrupting neural networks and creating new resilient neural pathways which I have found to be the missing key.

Helping Women connect back to themselves. Connecting mind, body, and soul.

Hi, I’m Caroline.

The Art & Science of WellBeing

As a trained and certified Human Potential Coach as well as a trained and certified  Quantum Human Design Specialist (Level 3 - undergoing 4) who personally benefited from the transformational impact of Human Design and Gene Keys in my own understanding of my type, authority, decision making, learning style and my purpose to name a few, I offer a whole mind-body transformation for women wanting to unlock their potential, going through challenges, life transitions or health issues. This is another window into the Art & Science of YOU. 

Discover your Blueprint.

An Evolution into Human Potential

My approach is based on a presence-based and somatic coaching model, as well as energy and intuitive work, neural rewiring, heart math, and techniques based on positive psychology, NLP cognitive behavioural approach, and human design - helping women flourish in body, mind, heart, and soul!


An initial 60 min session with your Human Design Chart Exploration
A free copy of your chart and Human Design Chart Report and analysis summary sheet
Access to a Member area filled with resources for 6 months

Access to a Free Workbook on Centres
4 x 45 minutes Coaching Sessions (you can use these sessions as a 45min alchemy session instead which is a combination of coaching, reiki, intuitive and energy work) 
Direct Messaging support

Helping you explore your passion, life purpose, values, strengths, objectives & goals with your human design blueprint and journeying towards your desired outcome and infinite potential.


I use various techniques and approaches in my coaching services. I might also recommend evaluations and certain tracking tools if deemed necessary to help with your progress and exploration. Coaching is a very real commitment for which you have to be ready to engage. There’s a reason that coaching is the second-fastest growing profession in the world – because it works. 

Curious, need more information? Book your complimentary alignment call so that we may chat more.

  • There are numerous nominations for coaches out there: life coach, nutrition coach, health coach, wellness coach, performance coach. Anyone can classify themselves as coaches as it is unregulated very much like “holistic nutrition”. However, many coaches, like nutritionists, are rigorously trained and certified and members of recognized associations and follow a strict code of ethics. Coaching is defined by the International Coach Federation “as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”.

    A “coach” encourages and supports clients on a range of professional and personal issues. Coaching is different from giving advice, consulting, counselling, mentoring and therapy. You would hire a coach to help you with specific professional projects, personal and wellness goals and life transitions. A coach helps you by facilitating your evaluation of your current situation, limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles and in devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.

    The relationship between a client and their coach is a creative partnership that seeks to:

    Identify, clarify and create a vision for what the client wants

    May offer some resources, if needed

    Encourage client’s self-discovery and growth

    Nurture and evoke strategies and a plan of action based on what fits best with the client’s goals, personality and vision

    Foster client accountability to increase outcome potential

    These aspects of the process all work together to allow the client to maximize or like I like to say unlock their full potential.

  • People choose to hire coaches to identify a gap between where they are now and where they want to be, and turn to coaching when they want help reaching their goals and unlock their potential. For example, feeling overwhelmed, anxious, unable to break away from certain habits or limiting beliefs, stuck in a loop and looking for support to optimize your life?

    Coaching is a deeply empowering way to help you find solutions, accountability and an action plan. It’s an empowering process and partnership that allows you to accelerate forward, especially when you’ve been stuck. By realigning your momentum, your life becomes easier, more peaceful and more fulfilling.

    A coach is objective, non-judgmental, an excellent listener, and helps you uncover the strategies and steps forward that will work best for you. As a client, you are responsible for the commitment to achieve the agreed upon action steps and for your own success.


    As Quantum Human Design™️ was created by Karen Curry Parker I felt her own words would best describe it for you:

    “Quantum Human Design is often called the “new Astrology,” and the “intersection of science and spirituality.” Your Quantum Human Design chart is formulated by taking your birth date, time, and location – giving you specific information about your life path, your style of working, your relationship blueprint, how you experience energy in the world, and most importantly, how to create a truly meaningful and authentic life.

    Quantum Human Design is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese, I’Ching, The Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System and Quantum Physics.

    Your Human Design chart is calculated using your birth date, time and place. If you’re like most of our clients, you’ve probably attended multiple personal growth seminars and read lots of books about manifesting “change” and creating success in your life. Maybe you’ve even studied specific techniques to help you release “blocks” and get yourself “unstuck”. But you still haven’t seen the results you’ve been hoping for. (Even though you’ve been doing everything “right.”) It’s not your fault. The single most important reason you may have not had the success you’ve been working so hard for is this: A One Size Fits All Approach to Life Does NOT Work!

    All people are equally valuable and important. AND each of us has our own energetic blueprint and individual style of operating successfully in life. What might work for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. A Human Design chart offers an astonishingly accurate guide to your personality, as well as direction and guidance on how you can deal with challenges in your life. It also shows you your personal “formula” for creating what you want in your life. Previously, Human Design charts have been notoriously difficult to interpret and decipher – until now.

    Quantum Human Design, a modern way of interpreting Human Design, offers you an incredibly down-to-earth, practical way to understand your Human Design chart. Quantum Human Design Specialists are highly trained coaches, mentors and guides who have learned a way of interpreting your chart that is simple, easy to follow, clear, and gives you solid, workable strategies to help you discover exactly what you need to do to bring out the best of who you are in your life.

    Learning your Human Design: Confirms what you already know, sense or have felt about yourself. Gives you full permission and confidence to really step fully into your Truth. Confirms the themes you may have noticed playing out in your life & relationships. Gives you deeper understanding to why you are the way you are & feel the way you do. Enables you to not take things personally because you realize everything is just energy. Deepens your compassion, patience and ultimately love for yourself and others. Think of it this way: Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. It is a collection of all the potential archetypes located in a single “map.”

    That map not only tells you where you would feel good and helps you navigate a path to get there, it also gives you a new way of thinking about who you really are. Quantum Human Design teaches you to look at your Human Design Chart (your personal “map”) as a story. Over the course of your life you’ve been told a story of who you are. Maybe that story led down a career path that isn’t really making your soul soar. Maybe your story has you living out patterns that keep you from believing you can have what you really want in your life. Maybe the story you’ve been trying to keep up with all your life isn’t even really your story.

    Quantum Human Design will give you the words – the story – of Who You Truly Are. If you’re going to create an authentic life – a life that is yours – you’ve got to start with knowing Who You Are and what you need to do to get started living the story you were born to live. Your personal Quantum Human Design Chart can reveal your strengths, your weaknesses, and perhaps most importantly, your potential. Prepare for repetitive difficulties that you might encounter throughout your life, and embrace the opportunity to grow as you understand your personal Human Design strategy. You’ll discover your path to living an aligned, authentic, vital and truly meaningful life simply by following the directions set out in your Human Design chart – the “owner’s manual” to your life.”


  • The definition of a coach is a professional who can help you excel in all areas of life. Some of the most common steps clients take while working with coaches and benefits of coaching include:

    Identifying goals and defining a vision for success

    Gain new insights

    Become more balanced in your life- work/life balance

    Become more focused on what’s most important to you and wha fulfills you

    Creating personal growth plans

    Identifying limiting beliefs

    Optimize your inner trust, intuition and self-worth

    Working on Mindset

    Fostering more powerful connections professionally and personally

    Achieving health and/or fitness goals

    Managing an important life or business transition

    Articulating core values

Are you ready to discover your blueprint?

Are you ready to discover your blueprint?

Book a free discovery call with me to see if we’re a good fit.