We combine the insights of your genetics with an all-natural nutrition program and blood work roadmap from Germany that helps support your metabolism and helps you maintain success with long-term weight management. Only Available in Canada for now.

Proven and Personalized Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan

Feel Well. Live Well.
Think Well. Age Well.

This program is supported by over 25 years of scientific research from some of the leading doctors and nutritional scientists in their field.

This is an anti-inflammatory, age-defying, hormone, and metabolism-balancing program for optimized health, energy, and well-being.

Optimize Your Health, Energy & Well-Being

What we put into our bodies not only affects us physically but also impacts our genes, metabolism, hormones, brain, moods, and energy levels. Ultimately our cells are formed from the nutrients in our diet. The more suitable the choices to our bio-chemical individuality and metabolism, the better our cell structure and the outcome of our health. A proper diet and nutrition are key aspects of your wellbeing.


But that’s not all, we’ve combined our program with Genetic testing for the ultimate personalization of your program which allows us to put together a long-term personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan after the initial Metabolic Reset phase. We will also work together during coaching calls to not only support you during your program and provide you with accountability but to rewire your mindset, old patterns, habits, behaviours that kept you stuck and identify your goals, reconnect to yourself, your purpose, and your why. This program has been developed to not only Reset your physiology but to Rewire your mindset, Reconnect to your heart and purpose to optimize your “Whole” Biology -mind body, and heart- for health and well-being with our unique 3 R’s approach to help you flourish, thrive and unlock your fullest potential.

Hi, I’m Caroline.

The Art & Science of WellBeing

As a clinical functional nutritionist with first-class honours from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (CNP) I work by combining Functional Genomics (genetics/DNA), Metabolic Balance, and my training in Human Potential Coaching. Combining my knowledge and these three modalities to help you create impactful change in your health and well-being based on a personalized approach informed by you, designed for you.

Discover your Blueprint with Genetic Insight

  • What is Metabolic Balance?

    Metabolic Balance® is an innovative all-natural nutrition program and blood work roadmap from Germany that helps support your Metabolism, and helps you maintain success with long-term weight management. This program is supported by over 25 years of scientific research from some of the leading doctors and nutritional scientists in their field.

  • What is Metabolic Balance?

    On the Metabolic Balance program, the results of the blood analysis are integrated together with your personal details. This includes your previous health history and dietary preferences, such as vegetarian, paleo, keto, etc.

    All of this information creates the basis of your individualized Metabolic Balance meal plan.

    The foundation of the program is Metabolic Balance’s unique capability to develop a truly personalized meal plan based upon an in-depth analysis of your 36 unique blood values, medical history, and your personal dietary preferences. Your personalized meal plan acts as your “road map,” and it indicates exactly what foods you should eat for your physiology in order to orchestrate the biochemical changes needed for reaching your desirable weight and overall goals.

  • What is Metabolic Balance?

    The program is an effective science-backed program that uses real food and is customized just for you. Its nutrient-dense foods on your personalized meal plan can easily be purchased at your local grocery store or farmers’ market.

    You aren’t alone on the Metabolic Balance® program. Throughout the four phases (preparation, strict conversion, relaxed conversion, and maintenance) of your program you are supported.


  • Please Note

    Any of our programs and services offered such as Genetics and Functional Tests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor should their use to support functioning in clients that may have medical conditions be understood as a claim that we treat those conditions. Clients who may have medical conditions should consult a physician to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment

The Art & Science of YOU

  • ✓ Reduce overall inflammation
    ✓ Balance hormones
    ✓ Weight management
    ✓ Improved energy
    ✓ Improved cognitive function and focus
    ✓ Improved immune function
    ✓ Better sleep and improved moods
    ✓ Improve gut function and digestive processes
    ✓ Reduced allergies
    ✓ Improved glucose metabolism
    ✓ Less joint inflammation and pain
    ✓ No excessive or heavy physical workouts needed to achieve weight loss
    ✓ Positive Mindset and Behaviour change
    ✓ Clarity on goals and purpose
    ✓ Self-empowerment
    ✓ Improved confidence
    ✓ Improved Stress Resilience
    ✓ Accountability

  • ✓ Bloodwork Biomarkers
    ✓ Customized Metabolic Reset Nutrition Plan based on your bloodwork and Genetics
    ✓ Review of your file and intake documents prior to initial consult
    ✓ 60 min Initial Consultation
    ✓ 60 min Review of Genetics Test
    ✓ 60 min Review of the Nutrition Plan
    ✓ Blood Work Requisition
    ✓ 2 x 30 min Follow-up sessions to assess your progress to be used within 3 months
    ✓ Online client portal and app
    ✓ Members Area with Resources
    ✓ Nutritional, Lifestyle and Mindset education
    ✓ DNA test- DNA Labs Love My Health PRO
    ++ Add-on testing (GI Map, Dutch) and follow-up sessions and coaching package available

Are you ready to discover your blueprint?

Are you ready to discover your blueprint?

Book a free discovery call with me to see if we’re a good fit.