
 Are you experiencing all sorts of symptoms? Could mold be making you sick?

Determining whether exposure to mold is making you sick isn’t always easy since each of us might be affected by mold toxicity in different ways. I personally experienced brain fog, vertigo, issues with my eyesight, extreme fatigue and a constant buzzing in my body. While, others might experience migraines and headaches, shortness of breath, sinus issues or anxiety.

Since symptoms differ so widely, they may not be associated with mold exposure by your doctor.


Mold is different types of fungi that grow in moist environments. Its main purpose is to break down substances in the environment.  It is an inherent, natural and necessary part of the world. The vast majority of mold is not toxic.  Although non-toxic mold can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

A very few species of mold produce certain chemicals that are harmful to humans and to other animals. These chemicals are called mycotoxins.

Mycotoxins are not alive.  Mycotoxins can be made by toxic molds growing in a wide variety of places -- for instance, in the outdoors, in buildings, in sewers, in foods, and (possibly) in the human body and exposure to these chemicals can result in negative health effects.

It’s often found in bathrooms, basements, kitchens, and anywhere moisture resides for long periods of time.  Unfortunately, leaks or floods are not the most common reason for mold growth in a home. Often mold is caused by improper ventilation.

These fungi spread by invisible spores, which travel through the air. They then take root wherever they find a humid surface.

The problem starts when you inhale these spores. They produce mycotoxins that can produce an immune response in some individuals. This is why some molds are called “toxic molds”.


The toxins in your system from breathing in mold spores add to the total amount of toxic burden in your body- Total Body Burden- (“TBB”). When your burden is high, you start experiencing symptoms – many which are seemingly unrelated.

For most people, toxins eliminated from the body when eliminating waste. However, for some, the toxic load is so high that it’s too much for the body to eliminate them all efficiently.  While for others, the issue may lie in poor detoxification processes. Genetics plays a key role.


If your TBB is high, or if you are genetically predisposed, regular exposure to mold can end up causing some of the following symptoms:

·       Wheezing/shortness of breath

·       Rash

·       Watery eyes

·       Runny nose

·       Itchy eyes

·       Coughing

·       Redness of the eyes

·       Long standing or frequent sinusitis

·       Headaches and migraines / issues with vision and eyesight

·       Joint pain

·       Muscle cramping, aches and pains

·       Persistent nerve pain

·       Numbness, tingling, buzzing or tremors

·       Vertigo/Dizziness – I personally felt as if my brain was vibrating in water inside my skull

·       Frequent colds and flu

·       Fatigue and weakness

·       Poor memory, brain fog, difficulty with focus

While symptoms to mold exposure are not uncommon and may be related to other health issues, many health care professionals struggle to pinpoint the cause behind these symptoms. People suffering from mold exposure can often be misdiagnosed with other disorders such as:

·       Depression

·       Anxiety

·       Chronic fatigue syndrome

·       Fibromyalgia

·       Lyme disease

It’s essential to find a health professional that recognizes the symptoms associated with mold and then test for it. Diagnosis by the health care professional is a combination of lifestyle and environmental assessments, and urine and blood tests.


By avoiding triggering foods and improving nutrition many see improvement and many have reported that their food reactivities have decreased after an extended period of mold avoidance, making a wider variety of foods available to them.

In the meantime, identifying and avoiding trigger foods is important in promoting optimal health gains.

In general, a diet consisting only of fresh organic foods and naturally raised animals may be optimal.  This may not consist only of products labeled “organic” though, since many smaller producers grow or make foods without the use of chemicals but cannot afford to get the official certification.  Eating mainly vegetables, healthy fats and proteins. Also, please keep all of your nuts, seeds and nut flours in your fridge. Avoid eating foods that have started showing signs of mold and for berries, mixed lettuce and fresh herbs make sure to eat them right away before they start getting moldy.

We’ve created a mold elimination diet to help you after seeing so many clients in my office feeling lost and confused as to what to eat and how to still be able to eat delicious and nutritious foods. Therefore this plan was created with the intention of providing you with a delicious, easy, balanced and diversified meal plan as well as introducing foods you may not be as familiar with and including foods that would support your overall health during this elimination diet.

The low mold diet helps you to starve off mold in your body all while replenishing the nutrient deficiencies that may have evolved from the mold outbreak. These foods work not only for mycotoxins, like mold but other fungi such as candida over-growth



DISCLAIMER: The information below is not designed to diagnose or treat any illness and does not constitute medical advice. There are several online mold screening tests, but only a healthcare provider can diagnose you with mold-related illness. OUR RECOMMENDATION IS TO CONSULT A KNOWLEDGEABLE PRACTITIONER SHOULD YOU SEE YOU BENEFIT FROM THIS PLAN TO DETERMINE THE ROOT CAUSE.


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